William Sothoron

Bequeathed all of his father’s lands, after death or remarriage of his mother. Also received 1 Negro woman, valued at £10, during distribution of estate. (see father’s Notes).

MARRIED, on Friday evening, 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Hehlnstine, Dr. William Southern, of Maryland, to Miss Christianna Snyder, daughter of the late George A. Snyder, deceased, of Montgomery Co.. (Poulson's American Daily Advertiser 37:3:4, Philadelphia, Published 1808.01.19)

William Sothoron & Christianna Snyder were married by Reverend Samuel Helfenstein. (First Reformed Church of Pennsylvania Records Ph IR:3:2239, Philadelphia, Recorded 1808.01.14)

** Medical career

William Sothoron attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine during the years 1806-1808. There is no indication that he received a degree from the University. (Archivist - personal communication) (A year of preceptorship was considered an acceptable alternative to a second year of formal education for medical degree)

William Sothoron of DC matriculated in 1807, with no evidence of having graduated. In the tabular list, the entry “(189)” follows the year entry. (www.upenn.edu* {Medical Department Matriculants, University of Pennsylvania, 1806-1852})

William Sothoron licensed in 1808 by examination to practice medicine in Maryland, admitted to the Medical Faculty. (Cordell* :576)

Medical and Philosophical Register:

Medical Examination

- At the meeting of the Medical Board of Examiners for

the Western Shore of Maryland, in June 1808, Licenses

to practice Physic and Surgery were granted to the follow-

ing gentlemen.

(15 listed, including William Sotheron). (Watkins* 1:133)

ACCIDENT.–An interesting case of resuscitation, after a submersion of fifteen minutes, and apparent extinction of life, is mentioned in the Georgetown Metropolitan. It was that of a little boy about seven or eight years of age, who while playing on the verge of the canal lock, in that town, fell into the water. The body immediately sunk out of view and it was not until the water was let out of the lock, that it could be found and recovered therefrom. Fifteen minutes thus elapsed. The parents were both quickly on the spot, and their agony, says that paper, was heart rendering. When taken out, life appeared to be entirely extinct;–and it was only after the most strenuous efforts, by Dr. Sotheron, efforts which for a long time seemed hopeless of success,–that animation was restored to the frame of the little sufferer, and the hearts of his parents were made glad. The case is one which should incite to perseverance in all similar efforts for restoring suspended animation. (Republican Compiler, Gettysburg, PA - Vol 1, No 48 {New Series}, Reported 1836.08.23)

On the List of 1848 is Wm. Sothoron, L.M. whose residence was given as St. Mary's Co., and whose Post Office was given as Charlotte Hall.        { "L.M.", or "Lic. Med." indicates licensing by educational degree, by examination OR by act of government.) (Proceedings of the Medical & Chiurgical Faculty of Maryland, 1799-1859. :36)

** Military service - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

William Sothoron commissioned a surgeon's mate on the 45th Regimental Staff on 21 September 1813. (Military Appointments 2:100)

William Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 4 Oct 1813. He entered on duty as a “pr” from Capt. Briscoe’s company on 21 April, to Capt. James F. Sothoron’s Detachment, 45 (Ashton’s) Reg’t Maryland Militia, ordered on service in April 1813. He was discharged 1 May (11 days), pay due 2.83. (Compiled Service Record*, Recorded 4 Oct 1813)

William Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 4 October 1813. He was detached from Sothoron’s company, entering on duty on 18 July with Ensign John Llewellin’s Detachment, 45 (Ashton’s) Reg’t Maryland Militia, which was ordered on service in July 1813. He was discharged 26 July 1813 with 8 days’ service, due 2.06. (Compiled Service Record*, Recorded 4 Oct 1813)

William Sothoron commissioned a Surgeon's mate in the 12th Regimental Calvary on 21 Septemter 1813. (Military Appointments 2:54,100)

The State of Maryland

To William Sothoron  Dr

To his services as Surgeons Mate, Camp Yates,  
from July 25th until Augt 4th 1814 to a detachment    $10
of Militia of the 45 Regt St. Marys Co.  
commanded by Genl Stuart & Col. Ashton  

St. Mary’s Co.

- Be it remembered that on this the 8 day of February 1815 personally appears William Sothoron before the subscribers & justices of the peace of the State of Maryland for the County aforesaid and makes oath on the holy evangely of almighty god that the above charge is just and true and that he hath not received any security or satisfaction for the same.

- Sworn before: Tho. Barber. (Compiled Service Record*, Recorded 1815.02.08)

William Sothoron commissioned as Captain, a Company Officer of the 45th Regiment on 19 December 1816. (Military Appointments 2:54,147)

** Land records

Dr. William Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. leases to Elias Wheatley the land on right side of main road from Benedict to crossroads in Samuel Morton's Plantation & where John Estep Jr. & Catherine his wife now reside, for the rest of their lives, 1.5 acres, for £3.15 per year. (Abstracts TH#27:21, St. Mary’s Co., MD, 1811.05.28, Recorded 1811.08.08)

In a court decree Ignatius & Leonard Mudd recovered against Charles Smoot, Alexander Johnson & Zephaniah Waters late of Charles Co. yeomen. Assets were taken by Sheriff Alexander Matthews and "...laid...upon one tract or parcel of land called Sothorons discovery and the two friends containing 100 acres..." Bidding won by William Sothoron, for 5,300 pounds of crop tobacco, since paid. (IB#18:317, Charles Co., 1822.08.06, Recorded 1829.04.14)

George Dent of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to William Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $1,800, Scegby, previously bought of Clement Dorsey, Esq., 200 acres. (Abstracts TH#30:98, St. Mary’s Co., MD, 1823.05.06, Recorded 1823.08.05)

Trustees report on sale of land in the estate of Ignatius Fenwick, auctioned this date. Highest bid of $10,600 made by William Sothoron. Sothoron not prepared to bond, continued to delay bonding and refusing to relinquish right to purchase until Friday following, when he did relinquish. Jeremiah Alvey bonded for the estate. (Chancery Rec 121:787, St. Mary’s Co., MD, 1823.07.01)

Indenture of 29 July 1828 between William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD & Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia, PA. For $3,000 Sothoron conveys to Gilliams "Sothoron's Desire," about 125 acres including house & lot purchased of John Estep; "Sothoron's Venture," about 27 acres; "Long Looked for Come at Last," about 37 1/2 acres purchased of George Burroughs by father Richard Sothoron; all remaining part of "Scegby" not sold to Wm. Drury & which William purchased of Capt. George Dent, about 50 acres; part of "Scegby" bought of James Burroughs, about 1 acre & 9 perches; part of "Long Looked for Come at Last," purchased of George Burroughs, about 1 acre, 2 roods & 10 perches. Signed by William Sothoron, witnessed by R. Kilgour & James Keech. Certified same date as to the true intent of William Sothoron & wife Christiana. Recorded 28 Jan 1829. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#8:248)


Alexander Matthews, former Sheriff of Charles Co., MD, to William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD:  Purchase at Sheriff's Sale of "Sothoron's Discovery" and "Two Friends" cont'g 100 A and "Foxes Race" sold on judgment vs. Ignatius and Leonard Mudd vs. Charles Smoot, Alexander Johnson & Zephaniah Waters, late of Chas. Co. yeomen, for $65.42 1/3 and 1,879 lbs. of tobacco.  Fi fa issued 10 May 1822.  Judgment 3d Monday of Aug. 1921.  Test:  Walter McMillan & James Brawner.  (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#18:317, drawn 14 Apr 1829, Recorded 14 Apr 1829)

Recorded at request of buyers. William Sothoron of Charles Co. sells to James Morton & William Morton of Charles Co., for $500:

- Sothorons discovery and Two Friends, 100 acres.

- Foxes race, previously owned by Charles Smoot and bought at Sheriff's sale. (IB#18:367, Charles Co., MD, 1829.05.15, Recorded 1829.06.11)

An indenture between William Sothoron & Clement Cox, both of Washington Co., DC, for the purchase by Sothoron of a parcel of land in Georgetown, numbered “Twenty one” of Holmead’s Addition to Georgetown, for the sum of $300 in fee simple. Authority for the sale is contained in two previous indentures; one between Richard Burgess, Clement Cox, the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Georgetown, and Robert Read, dated 30 November 1832 and recorded in Liber WB #44 folio 246 ff of the County Land Records; the second being between the same parties with the addition of Ann Burgess, wife of Richard, dated 21 August last and recorded in Liber #67 folio199 ff of the County Land Records.

- The property “...lies on the south side of a straight line beginning at the end of thirty seven feet measured northwardly on the Eastern line of Rock Street from the north line of Bridge Street, and running thence east and parallel with Bridge Street to the Eastern termination of said lot...,” with improvements.

- The sum of $60 has already been paid, and four promisory notes of $60 each (dated 5 November 1838 and endorsed by George M. Sothoron) will be paid with interest respectively at 6,12, 18 & 24 months. Upon any default the property is to be sold by auction to the highest bidder, after 10 days advertisement of said sale in local newspapers.

- Recorded in Liber WB #69 folio 507 ff of Land Records of Washington Co.. .(Nidiffer Collection* Box 1, Folder 84, Washington Co., DC, 1838.11.13, Recorded 1838.11.16)

Deed recorded 2 Feb 1840 at request of Thomas Carrico. Indenture of 24 Aug 1839 between James Morton & William Morton of Charles Co., MD; and William Sothoron of George Town, DC. For $400 Mortons convey to Sothoron the same lands conveyed by said Sothoron to said Mortons & recorded at IB#18:366, called Sothoron's Discovery and the Two Friends, containing about 100 acres; & Foxes Race, which was sold at Sheriff's sale as property of Charles Smoot & purchased by said Sothoron. Signed by James & Wm. Morton, witnessed by James T. Thomas & Chas. P. Locke. Certified 24 Aug 1839. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#24:59)

Indenture of 16 Nov 1839 between William Sothoron & wife Christiana of Georgetown, DC, & George Chappelear of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $825 Sothorons convey 175 acres, being part of larger tract called "Skegsby," purchased by Sothoron from Capt. George Dent as about 200 acres in all. Residual 25 acres on the west side has been annexed to his own farm called "Southern's Desire," now occupied by Benjamin H. Sothoron. Division is by a fence standing north & south, running from spring branch on Benjamin's home property to main road from Benedict. More detailed description of whole tract can be found in conveyance from Dent to Sothoron. Signed by William Sothoron & Christiana Sothoron, witnessed by Jas. S. Morsell & W.T. Brooke. Certified in DC on 16 & 18 Nov 1839, recorded 28 Jan 1840. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#11:523)

William Sothoron of Georgetown, DC et ux Christina and Harriet Smoot, widow of Charles, convey to Thomas Carrico, 125 acres, Two Friends and Sothoron’s Discovery, being parts of land heretofore conveyed by grantors to James and Wm. Morton by Liber IB#18, Fol. 366-8, and part of the lands which sd. James and Wm. Morton on Aug. 14, 1839 reconveyed to grantor herein and which with other lands were hereunto sold at Sheriff’s sale as property of Charles Smoot and purchased by the grantor. (Abstract of Sothoron Deeds. Report of the Genealogical Records Committee, DC DAR {Land Records B#24:108}, Charles Co., MD, 1839.11.18, 1840.04.06)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. William Sothoron of George Town in District of Columbia sells to Henry Moran & Rebecca Moran his wife, John E. Moran, Leonard Moran, George B. Moran, James B. Goldsmith, Lydia Moran, Elizabeth Moran & Alexander Moran the legal heirs & representatives of Elkanah Moran, for $400, that land called Foxes Rest and containing 85 acres, which was in the possession of Elkanah Moran for many years. (IB#25:232, Charles Co., MD, 1842.12.07, Recorded 1843.04.06)

Indenture of 12 Nov 1845 between Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia City, Dentist, & Ann his wife; and Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $2,250 Sothoron is conveyed property in St. Mary's Co. of about 125 acres, together with house & lot of ground purchased of John Estep; also all of tract called Sothorons Venture containing about 27 acres; also all of tract called Long Looked for come at Last, containing 37 1/2 acres & purchased of George Burroughs Jr. by Richard Sothoron; also all of portion of tract called Scegby remaining unsold by Wm. Sothoron to George Chappeleair (sic) purchased of George Dent, containing about 50 acres; also all of portiion of Scegby purchased of James Burroughs containing about 1 acre & 9 perches; also all of Long Looked for come at Last purchased of George Burroughs Sr. containing about 1 acre, 2 roods & 10 perches & being same premises which William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. aforesaid by deed dated 29 July 1828 conveyed to said Jacob Gilliams in fee. Signed by J. & Ann Gilliams. Wit: William Sothoron. Certified 12 Nov 1845 in Philadelphia, PA; recorded in St. Mary's Co., MD 10 May 1846. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records WTM#1:51)

** Tax Assessment Records - William Sothoron, St. Mary’s Co., MD (Fenwick*)

1812 Assessment, Upper Resurrection Hundred. Lands: Sothorons Desire & Scagsby, 155 acres. Total: 232.10.0.

1821 Assessment, District 4. Slaves: 15; 141 oz. Plate 141. Lands: Sothorons Desire & Scagsby, 155 acres; Segsby, 200 acres. Personal: 461. Total: 2.241.

1826 Assessment, District 4. Slaves: 15; 141 oz. Plate 141. Lands: Sothorons Desire & Scagsby, 155 acres; Segsby, 200 acres. Personal: 461. Total: 2.241 

** Federal Census schedules

1810 Census (1810.08.06) St. Mary’s Co., MD - pg 270 (195). William Sothoron

Free white males under 10....1
16 - 25....1
females under 10....1
16 - 25....2

1820 Census (1820.08.07) St. Mary’s Co., MD - District 4, pg 90. William Southoron.

Free white males under 10....1
10 - 15....1
26 - 46....1
females under 10....1
18 - 25....1

1840 Census (1840.06.01) Ward 2, Georgetown, Washington Co., DC., pg 187. William Sothron.

Free white males 20 - 29...1
30 - 39...1
50 - 59...1
females 10 -14...1
20 - 29...1
50 - 59...1
Learned profession...1

1840 Census (1840.06.01) District 1, Charles Co., MD, pg 180. William Sothoron, Sr.

Free white males 15 - 19...2
50 - 59...1
females 10 - 14...1
30 - 39...1

1850 Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.06.28) NW Ward, Georgetown District, Georgetown, DC - pg 148A, 3/3

- William Sothoron - 63 year old apothecary, born in Md. Real property valued at $16,000.

- George M. “ - 42 year old male apothecary, born in Md, real property valued at $200.

- John W. “ - 36 year old male apothecary, born in Md, real property valued at $100.

- Christianna “ - 63 year old white female, born in Penna.

- Cordelia S. Armstrong - 21 year old female , born in Md.

1850 Slave Schedule (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.06.28) Northwest Ward, Georgetown, DC - pg 717, William Sothoron. Three Black slaves: a 65 year old male, a 34 year old male & an 11 year old female.

** Church activities - Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Georgetown, DC

William Good's List for the year includes credits for Merveral Moran & William Sothoron. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1817.05)

On Edward Turner's List, Henry Sothoron & William Sothoron each has an outstanding balance of 2.00. On Aguila Turner's List, Richard Sothoron has an outstanding balance of 1.00. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1818.05.13)

William Sothoron owes 2.00 on pledge for 1818-1819. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:3, 1819)

Henry Sothoron's List includes the following, all with credits: Susanna Sothoron, James F. Sothoron, Zachariah Sothoron & Henry Sothoron. Monies still owed by William Sothoron. William Good's List includes Richard Sothoron, owing 1.00. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1822)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, Zachariah Sothoron & James F. Sothoron. William Sothoron is is arrears by 2.00. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1823)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. Mary Sothoron is in arrears by 5.00. On William Good's List, Richard Sothoron owes 1.00. On John J. Estep's List, William Sothoron still owes 2.00. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1824)

John Tucker's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & William Sothoron (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1827)

James Morton's List for the year includes credits for William Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, William H. Sothoron & William B. Sothoron. (Trinity Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1828)

Note from Wm. Steward to W.G. Ridgely, in reference to a pew for Dr. & Mrs. Sothoron, indicating that Mrs. Sothoron wishes to meet with Mr. Ridgely tomorrow, at the Doctor's office or at his office, in reference to the Pew at St. John's. Indicates that they "... will be constrained to leave the Church if a satisfactory exchange cannot be made..." (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:21, 1839.05.24)

Assignment of ground floor pews, with Dr. Sothoron in Pew #12 for $15.00. (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:51, 1839.06.01)

List of policyholders who have subscribed to support Rev. Alexander Marbury; William Sothoron in Pew # 12 subscribed $5.00. (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:46, 1839.08)

A subscription list for 1840 was proposed, including William Sothoron in pew #12 for $5.00. St. John’s Vestry Minutes :82, 1839.08)

List of communicants as of this date. Date of added comments is unknown.

#169 Miss Cordelia S. Armstrong - "removed"

#170 Dr. Sothoron - "deceased"

#171 Mrs. Sothoron - "deceased"

#282 Rachel Sothoron (cold) - "removed" (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:202, 1841.09.16)

Notice had been sent to pewholders on 1 Sept 1843, noting the previous action of the Vestry to increase fees for pews, and asking the intent of pewholders. Dr. Sothoron noted to hold pew #3½, owing $60 for full purchase. By 25 September 1843 Dr. Sothoron was the only one of the 9 to have not declined the purchase. (St. John’s Vestry Minutes :106, 1843.09.01, Recorded 1843.09.25)

Layout of Pews shows Dr. Sothoron in Pew #1. (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:44, 1843.11.15)

List of subscribers to funds for Church enlargement, with the first payment due this date. Pledges included:

- W. Sotheron, 2 payments of $25.00 each.

- G.M. Sotheron, 2 payments of $10.00 each. (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:44, 1844.01.07)

New layout & assignment of pews. Dr. Sothoron assigned to pew #1, a first class pew costing $250, plus $30 per annum thereafter. (St. John’s Vestry Minutes :209, 1844.01.21)

Pew assignment shows Pew #1 "free", and none assigned to a Sothoron. (St. John’s Parish Register 1A/III:44, 1844.09.01)

** Activities as Guardian - Maryland

Orphans Julius Cesor Tycer & Elizabeth Dent Tycer, Guardian William Sothoron, Sr. Assessors Wm. Kilgour & Joshua Estep. Land grant: Trent Fork. Description: one mill house in bad repair; dwelling house, 40 x 20 with 2 wings 20 x 14 each, all wood in good repair; 12 x 12 meat house in good repair; various out-buildings in poor repair. (Ranzetta* {EJM:65}, St. Mary’s Co., 1820.11.11)

Henry Sothoron & John T. Hawkins of Charles Co. vs. Henderson L. Boteler & wife, Olivia, William, Amelia, Daniel, Patsy, Nathaniel & John S. Washington. Hawkins is a representative of Margaret Truman Debutts late of St. Mary’s Co. and entitled to ¼ of estate. Nathaniel Washington of St. Mary’s Co. married Margaret Debutts, another representative; he was named administrator of her estate. George Frazier Hawkins of Prince George's Co dec'd and Nathaniel Washington had executed a mortgage for Trent Hall, 184 acres, to Henry Sothoron, guardian of John T. Hawkins, to secure payment of monies due by Washington as administrator of Debutts estate to John T. Hawkins. Suit is for foreclosure, which was granted.

- Dr. William Sothoron appointed guardian of the Washington infants on 21 March 1825 to answer the charge - his answer received the same date

- Property sold at auction 26 Oct 1829, bought by John T. Hawkins at $6.00 per acre. (Chancery Rec 138:607, 1823.11.19)


Dr. Wm. Sothoron, Gdn. To Julius Ceazar Ticer & Eliza Dent Ticer. Slaves: 0. Lands: Plains of Jerico, Good Pennys Worth & Dents Venture, 160 acres; Pt. Trent Fork & Mill, 240 acres. Total: 920. (Fenwick* {Tax Assessment Records}, District 4, St. Mary’s Co., 1826)

Orphans Julius Cesor Tycer alias Chappalear & Elizabeth D. Tycer alias Chappalear. Guardian Wm. Sothoron. Assessors Henry G. Garner, Briscoe Davis. Description: one large dwelling house in poor repair; corn house with stable beneath it–needs new cover, as does meat house; mill of considerable value, with mill workings in tolerable state of repair; lot of wooded land, with hills & poor soil not justifying clearing it for crops. (Ranzetta* {EJM#1}:3, St. Mary’s Co., 1827.02.09)

Ordered by the Court, “...that a citation be issued for Doct. William Sothoron to show cause why he has not settled up his Guardian accounts as Guardian to Julius and Elizabeth Tyser, to appear at the next meeting of the Orphans Court which will meet on the second Tuesday in September next.” (Proc Orphans Court :268, St. Mary’s Co., 1829.08.15)

** Legal action - Maryland

George Dent & William Sothoron v. Rebecca Estep & others.

- Dent & Sothoron, both of St. Mary’s Co., are creditors of the late William Estep of same county. On 26 Feb 1814, plaintiffs with William Lyon, Lawson Davis & Wm. Estep executed a joint & several note to John Chappelear late of same county. William Estep was the principal in the note, with Lyon, Davis & plaintiffs being secondary.

- Judgment had been obtained against Joshua Estep, administrator of Wm. Estep, & Davis in St. Mary’s Court. Plaintiffs were never been paid adjudicated monies with costs & interest. Wm. Estep died intestate leaving widow Rebecca & 2 children, Melissa & Eliza, minors. His administrator has not paid on the debt, and plaintiffs pray he be ordered to do so.

- Copy of note due 1 January 1815 to John Chappaleur for $107 with interest, dated 26 February 1814. Signed by Wm. Sothoron, Wm. Lyon, Lawson Davis & George Dent.

- From St. Mary’s Co. Court, March Term, 1822. Allocation of debts due paid to John Chappelear, from Judgment of 11 August 1819.

- Answer of Joshua Estep, administrator of William Estep dec’d, filed 5 Nov 1827. He claims to have fulfilled his duties of administrator properly and fully, and that the estate did not have enough value to satisfy debts.

- File contains multiple warrants for the appearance of Rebecca, Melvina, & Joshua Estep at St. Mary’s Co. court to answer charges, ranging in date from 27 June 1826 to 14 May 1830. Joshua was last named on 1 Sept 1826, and Rebecca on 14 May 1830. Some warrants indicate defendants lived in Charles Co.. (Equity Papers, St. Mary’s Co. Court {MSA C1591-80}, Filed 1826.02.08)

William Sothoron & George Dent versus Joshus Estep admr. of William Estep dec'd.

- Claimants of St. Mary’s Co., creditors of William Estep St. Mary’s Co., now dec'd. On 26 Feb 1814 they with William Lyon & Lawson Davis & William Estep executed a joint & several note to John Chappelear St. Mary’s Co. dec'd. Estep was the principal in the note, others being securities. Judgments were granted against Joshua Estep administrator of William Estep, and against Davis & orators. Orators never received payment from them & Wm. Estep or his estate. William Estep died intestate with no provisions for payment of debts. Prays for sale of his real estate to pay debts.

- Copy of promisory note from William Estep, William Sothoron, William Lyon, Lawson Davis & George Dent to John Chappelear, dated 1 Jan 1815.

- Answer of Joshua Estep, dated 5 Nov 1827. Debts have been paid with all available assets, estate still in debt. Clement Dorsey has filed a bill in High Court of Chancery against this defendant, still undecided. Prays dismissal with costs.

- May 1831 petition of William Sothoron & George Dent, creditors of Estep late of St. Mary’s Co., for sale of land to pay debts. Debt was created through a joint loan from John Chappelear dated 1 January 1815. (Equity Papers {MSA 19,731-80}:#167, St. Mary’s Co., 1827)

** Death

DIED: On yesterday evening suddenly, supposed of apoplexy, Dr. JOHN W. SOTHORON, aged about 65, one of our oldest and most influential citizens. His loss will be regretted by all and especially by many poor people. (Georgetown [DC] Advocate - Saturday, No. 1644, Reported 1851.08.16)   NOTE:  The name is in error - this is almost certainly Dr. William Sothoron. John died on 6 July 1888 (see his Notes) WHS*.


Made a mahogany casket for Dr. William Sothoron, 17 Aug 1851.  (Donovan*)

Death Notice. Suddenly at Georgetown, D.C., on the evening of the 15th ultimo, to the inexpressible regret of his family and a large circle of friends and associates, Dr. WILLIAM SOTHORON, in the 65th year of his age. (Daily National Intelligencer :3, Reported 1851.08.21)

OBITUARY: ‘In the midst of Life we are in Death’ - This oft repeated warning has been most solemnly and forcibly brought home to us this last week, in the death. I think I may say, of the kind friend, companion and advisor of us all, Dr. WM. SOTHORON, who was snatched away from us by that indiscriminate and common leveller of the rich as well as the poor, the ‘King of Terrors,’ in a moment--in the twinkling of an eye was he gone, and all that remained of him was that corruptible body, which shall ?out on incorruptibility, and at the last trump, when the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll, shall our friend be raised to glory, there to be united again with friends and kindred in those heavenly mansions, where Angels with golden Harps sing without ceasing--and where all tears shall be wiped away. ‘Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power be unto the Lamb that was slain for our sake and now sitteth on the Throne for ever and ever.  (Georgetown Advocate - Tuesday, No. 1645, Reported 1851.08.19)

As over the closing urn we bend
Of each belov'd and honour'd friend,
What tears of anguish roll?
In vain, in death's unconscious face,
The living smile we seek to trace
That spoke from soul to soul.

But shall not memory still supply
The kindly glance, the beaming eye
That oft our converse blest!
That brigten'd many a prospect clear,
Revived our virtue, soothed our care,
And lull'd each pain to rest?

And when these frail remains are gone,
Our hearts the impression still shall own
Our mortal path to cheer,
O God! to point the way to heaven.
There angel guides by thee were given:
How blest to meet them there!

J. S. B.'

No burial records have been found, but Dr. William Sothoron owned plats in Presbyterian Cemetery, and it is presumed he was buried there.  There is no record of his remains being moved prior to closure of the cemetery;  click here for more information on Presbyterian.  See below for memorial marker at Leesburg, VA.

Administration Docket, A.W.#3, Old Series - page 409, # 3298.

- Estate of William Sothoron, late of Washington Co., D.C.

- George M. Sothoron, administrator

- Bond of $4,000

- Sureties: E. B. Powell, J. W. Sothoron

- Docket entries: 1852 Oct 9 - Letters

- Bonds: 2, folio 342

(Card Index, Register of Wills, Washington, DC, 1851 -- Attempts to locate these documents at Record Center, Suitland, MD have been unsuccessful through 1989)

his wife
and of their daughter
wife of Henry Armstrong

Marker at Site 12, Lot 317, Plat A, Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudon Co., VA.  There is no evidence that their remains are here:  they may well still be at the old Presbyterian Burying Grounds in Georgetown, DC.

 Click here for Plat records and other burials here.


Click here to view individual's memorial and/or information on the "Find A Grave" site.

** Miscellaneous

Was a witness to the 1811 will of Benjamin Sothoron (see his Notes).

...Henry Burroughs, aged about 41 years, referred to an old well shown him by Richard Sothoron, deceased, grandfather to the present Dr. William Sothoron, and that it was the boundary between his land and that of James Burroughs and John Johnson Sothoron. (Newman* :88 { Petitions JH#1:491, St. Mary’s Co., about 1820)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 251": Henry Burroughs, a Bill of sale to William Sothoron (Chattel). (Chron St. Mary’s 22:#10:7, Recorded 1822.06.01)

Account of sales of property of Henry Alu Thompson includes the following sales:

- Dr. William Sothoron - 1 reel & 3 piles Hoghead staves. By note for 13.31

- Henry Sothoron - Tinners & carpenters tools. By note for 73.51

- Francis Sothoron - 16 plates & dish. Cash 98 1/4 cents.

- Zachariah Sothoron - 1 horse. By note for 32.50. (Tax Assessment Papers {MSA # C1523-3}, St. Mary’s Co., 1822.12.23)

Dr. William Sothoron recorded as overseer of roads in division 2, Upper Resurrection Hundred, serving through 1824; and in division 4, serving through 1826. (St. Mary’s Co. Road Book, 1802-1853. {MSA 18,578}, 1823

Will of Elizabeth Dixon. Witnesses: William Sothoron, Rufus Mills, Neale H. Shaw. (Reno(4)* :46 {JF#1:120}, St. Mary’s Co., 1824.07.01, Proved 1824.08.05)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 306": Briscoe Davis, Bill of sale to William Sothoron (Chattel). (Chron St. Mary’s 23:#12:8, Recorded 1827.12.15)


Made a stained wood casket for Dr. Sothoron's colored man, 10 Feb 1834.  (Donovan* 2:117)


On Friday last, as Mr Newbold Whitall, s/o Saml Whitall, of Gtwn, & __ to Dr Sothoron, was walking in the streets of Alexandria, he was suddenly attacked with epilepsy, from which he was subject from infancy, & conveyed to the residence of Phi__ __anney, where he soon afterwards expired. He is about twenty__ of age - Metropolitan (Dixon*, 1836-1837.:189, Alexandria, DC, Reported 1836.08.09)


Made a stained wood casket for Dr. Sothoron's colored child, 7 Oct 1836.  (Donovan* 2:117)


Made a stained wood casket for Dr. Sothoron's colored man, 24 Dec 1838.  (Donovan* 2:117)


Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, &c.,

No. 3077 M street N. W.

For more than fifty years the locality occupied by Mr. George W. Cropley, 3077 M streets, has been used for the drug busi­ness ; for many years it was under the charge of the Sothoron family, father and sons. In 1847 it passed into the hands of Richard Cissel, who continued in the business until 1866, when the present proprietor became the owner. The premises are 20 x 60 feet in dimensions, three stories and a cellar. Employment is given to two clerks. The store is well arranged, being handsome and attractive. The stock is large and very complete, embracing everything to be found in a first-class establishment. A fine soda fountain is run in connection with the business. All kinds of drugs, medicines, paints, oils, patent medicines, and toilet articles are here to be found...  (Ancestry.com* - image of "Historical and commercial sketches of Washington and environs," Published 1884, pg.189)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.